Ali G Costume

Ali G Costume

The Ali G costume is a funny way to pay homage to your favorite comedian, Sacha Baron Cohen. Ali G was one of the many characters he played. Ali G, also known as Alistair Leslie Graham, is a sarcastic fictional character portrayed by Cohen. This character would conduct interviews with people who assumed he was … Read more

Last-Minute Eazy-E Outfit Idea

Eazy-E outfit

With an Eazy-E costume, you can pay homage to the late excellent rap legend.

Eazy-E was an American rapper. He was also a famous entrepreneur and record producer. He was born under the name Eric Lynn Wright and quickly climbed the ranks of rap music.

He was thought to be one of the pioneers of the gangsta rap genre, pushing the boundaries of what was acceptable in mainstream music at the time. He is known for his musical lyrics full of imagery that added a certain poetic feel to the genre.