Last-Minute Ziggy Berman Costume

Ziggy Berman Costume

About Ziggy Berman From The Fear Street Ziggy is a resilient and courageous young woman. She faces challenging circumstances throughout the film but remains determined to survive and protect those she cares about. She has a strong sense of justice and is willing to stand up against the antagonist despite the danger it puts her … Read more

Last-Minute Money Heist Costume Idea

Money Heist Costume

About Robbers From Money Heist Money Heist ran on its diverse cast of characters with unique personalities, skills, and backgrounds. They are a group of robbers led by a mastermind known as “The Professor,” who is named Sergio Marquina. Tokyo is Sergio’s protégé and narrator of the series; Berlin is Tokyo’s cunning and charismatic ex-lover; … Read more

Grigori Costume

Grigori Costume

A Grigori costume is sure to be a mega-hit among millennial cosplayers who grew up watching Stranger Things. Grigori is a recurring antagonist in Season Three of the Stranger Things series. He was a Russian soldier and hitman who answered to General Stepanov. This man was present in the U.S. during the Soviet Union’s secret … Read more

Eleven (Yellow Shirt) Costume

Eleven (Yellow Shirt) Costume

The Eleven (Yellow Shirt) costume reflects one of the outfits that the character Eleven wears in the show Stranger Things. Eleven is played by the actress Millie Bobbie Brown. In the series, Eleven shows up in the first episode. It is revealed in short order that she was an experiment at the Hawkins National Library, … Read more