Friday Night Funkin Boyfriend: Overzealous Rapper

Friday Night Funkin Boyfriend Costume

A Friday Night Funkin costume is the perfect choice for anyone who loves the rhythm game. Friday Night Funkin is a game that came out in the year 2020. It was developed by Newgrounds and had a simple concept. In FNF, you play a character called Boyfriend. Boyfriend wants to date a girl whose name is Girlfriend. Before you can date her, you first have to get her father’s permission. You try to accomplish this in the game by first beating her father in the music competition.

Coraline: A Feisty & Ever-Curious Adventurer

coraline costume

The Coraline costume can take the wearer into a dark realm filled. There are more unusual characters than most, yet creative and enticing to the public. Coraline Jones is an 11-year-old girl hailing from Pontiac, Michigan. She settled with her parents at the Pink Palace apartment in Ashland, Oregon. And here found the mysterious door to the parallel universe.