Last-Minute Ben 10 Costume

Ben 10 Costume

About Ben Tennyson From Ben 10 Ben Tennyson discovers on his travels an alien device that can transform into a alien species at will and has the special abilities of the creatures themselves. With the help of Gwen and Grandpa Mark, Ben travels through thick and thin to fight the evil forces invading Earth. A … Read more

Last-Minute Greg Costume Idea

Greg Over The Garden Wall Costume

About reg From Greg Over The Garden Wall Greg is introduced as a carefree and optimistic child, wearing a teapot on his head and carrying his pet frog, Jason Funderburker. Throughout their adventures, his character consistently exudes childlike wonder and innocence. His ability to find joy and wonder amid uncertainty contrasts with The Unknown’s darker … Read more

Marshall Lee Costume

Marshall Lee Costume featured

The Marshall Lee costume is inspired by Marshall Lee, the Vampire King. He is a character that appeared on the animated show, Adventure Time. The first appearance of Marshall Lee happened during the episode known as Fionna and Cake. In this episode, characters are exposed to the Ice King’s fanfiction where he gender-swapped all of … Read more

Roger Klotz costume

Roger Klotz Costume featured

If you are feeling like casting yourself as the jerk of your college, then Roger Klotz’s costume would be perfect for you! Roger, the primary antagonist of the Nickelodeon show, is Doug’s archnemesis. Doug is taunted and harassed constantly by him, playing the stereotypical bully role. When Roger was in high school, he humiliated people. … Read more

Dale Gribble Costume

Dale Gribble Costume

The Dale Gribble costume comes from the animated TV show, King of the Hill. He is one of the lead characters and is seen in nearly every single episode. Dale Gribble, outside of his career as an exterminator, is the owner of Daletech. He has an aggressive but funny personality and is a musician who … Read more