Last-Minute Yoimiya Costume idea

Yoimiya Cosplay

About Yoimiya From Genshin Impact The people of Inazuma City love Yoimiya for the fireworks she creates. She is also particularly good with kids, thanks to her friendly, hands-on approach. She is anything but a worry-wort, but she is pretty adept at reading people’s hearts and can tell if they’re hiding something. She is also … Read more

Last-Minute Gorou Costume Idea

Gorou Cosplay

About Gorou From Genshin Impact As the primary general of Watatsumi Island’s forces, Gorou has gained much respect and prestige. Regardless, he always remains a humble leader and is aware of his inexperience. His subordinates so profoundly trust him; he is someone you can share your deepest feelings with without shame. He will say what … Read more

Beidou Cosplay

Beidou Cosplay

Beidou is a character in the game Genshin Impact. She has an eye-catching appearance that makes her a memorable addition to the cast. All throughout Liyue, Beidou is known for her good judgment calls, strength, and easy-going personality. These traits of hers make her popular with nearly everyone she meets, and kids see her as … Read more

Last-Minute Xiao Costume Idea

xiao cosplay

Xiao is a character from the popular open-world adventure game Genshin Impact.

He is one of the Adepts who guards Liyue Port. Although he looks young, his real age is more than two thousand years old.

Many players worldwide spend real money and primogens merely to invest in and own Xiao, even if there is no guarantee that they will succeed.

Apparently, Xiao has become one of the most well-liked characters in Genshin Impact. His skills and charisma are unparalleled to anyone else’s.