Thor Costume

Thor costume

If you’re a fan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, then you’ve probably wanted to dress like one of your favorite heroes at some point. Dressing in Thor Costume is a great way to show your fandom and can be fun. The Mighty Thor is the God of Thunder and protector of both Asgard and Midgard. … Read more

Ant-Man Costume

Ant-Man Costume

An Ant-Man costume is a great choice for fans of the underrated Marvel series. Ant-Man, otherwise known as Scott Lang, is a sympathetic character. He begins his story as a convict with a past involving petty crime. By the end of things, he has evolved into a superhero that has to save the planet. Through … Read more

Doctor Strange Costume

Doctor Strange Costume

To become the Sorcerer Supreme, try out the Doctor Strange costume! Doctor Strange, the acclaimed Marvel superhero starring Benedict Cumberbatch, made a comeback in 2016’s Doctor Strange.  Known as Dr. Strange in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Stephen Vincent Strange is a superhero. The Master of the Mystic Arts and the Sorcerer Supreme protects Earth from … Read more

Hawkeye Costume

Hawkeye Costume

A Hawkeye costume will surely make heads turn at an Avengers-themed costume party! Hawkeye is a character from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He is part of the Avenger’s original members upon the said group’s establishment. Hawkeye is best known for his superior marksman abilities. His specialty lies in archery, hence why he primarily uses a … Read more

Captain Marvel Costume

Captain Marvel Costume

A Captain Marvel Costume is a popular female hero costume for the ultimate girl power vibes! Captain Marvel stars in the Marvel Cinematic Universe comics and films. In 2019, she starred in her self-titled MCU film, Captain Marvel. Captain Marvel gained her title after resolving conflicts in the Kree Skrull War. Although she appears cold … Read more

Batman Cosplay

Batman Cosplay

If you’re ready to get into the world of Dark Knight, start preparing for your Batman cosplay.  Batman is one of the superheroes in the world of DC Comics. Although different stories and versions are released, Batman’s secret identity, Bruce Wayne, remains. He is still the American billionaire that witnessed his parent’s death which led … Read more

Groot Costume

Groot Costume

Groot is a superhero in Marvel comics and movies. At first, he teamed up with Rocket Raccoon as a bounty hunter in the universe and then joined the Guardians of the Galaxy led by Star-Lord. Although Groot’s body is a tree, he is not afraid of fire as long as his body does not turn … Read more

Black Panther Costume

Black Panther Costume

A Black Panther costume is a brilliant way to pay homage to your favorite superhero. Black Panther was the superhero name of a man known as T’Challa. T’Challa is the king of Wakanda, a fictional nation in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. T’Challa is known for his gentle nature. Though he is king, he does not … Read more

Wonder Woman Costume

Wonder Woman Costume

A Wonder Woman cosplay costume is easily one of the most popular costumes for DC Comics fans.

Wonder Woman, also known as Diana Prince, is one of the founding members of the Justice League. She is gifted with a number of combat skills ad superhuman powers fine-tuned in her homeland.

The superhero has several unique weapons that make her stand out among other heroes.

Most notably, she has a golden lasso. It is known as the Lasso of Truth. She also fights with a sword and shield and partially protects herself with indestructible bracelets.

Robin Cosplay

Robin Cosplay

Looking for ways to do a good Robin cosplay? Read on to find out how!

The character has appeared in many iterations of the Batman universe, from comic books to animated series. Together with Batman, they are often called the Caped Crusaders or the Dynamic Duo.

Robin is not Superman, but he can become a loyal sidekick of Batman, training, and fighting together. He is even one of the members who fight with the Justice League. It is clear that the boy is indeed very talented and capable.