Last-Minute Mike Wazowski Costume Idea

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  1. Mike Wazowski Hoodie
  2. Baseball Cap
  3. Solid Leggings
  4. Paw Claw Shoes

Easy DIY Mike Wazowski Costume Guide

Mike Wazowski is one of the two main characters in the movie Monsters, Inc. and its prequel, Monsters University. He also returned to fans as a main character in the series, Monsters at Work. This short, lime-green spherical monster with one large green eye, two small horns, and thin arms and legs has quite the personality.

To dress like Mike Wazowski, wear a luminously Green Mike Wazowski Hoodie with solid Leggings of the same color and green Paw Claw Shoes. Finally, wear a Dark Blue Disney Monsters University Baseball Cap.

About Mike Wazowski From Monsters, Inc.

Mike is a character who often argues or fights with Sulley, thanks to Sulley annoying him first. He is funny, intelligent, and brave but occasionally fails to see the obvious. He has a strategic mind and is a natural thinker, arriving at conclusions quickly.

He is very kind and has smooth conversations with his girlfriend, Celia. At the same time, he can be pretty sarcastic and charismatic. Mike is also skilled with words and capable of coming up with witty comebacks for anyone who gets on his nerves. He also has a positive outlook in disappointing situation disappointing situations and is relatively happy they happened instead.

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