Glinda the Good Witch (The Wizard of Oz) Costume

glinda the good witch costume

A Glinda The Good Witch costume is a popular choice for lovers of the classic film, The Wizard of Oz. Glinda is one of the characters in the movie who helps the main characters along.

Unlike her sister, she has a good reputation. She is known as the Good Witch of the South and is quite respected.

Glinda The Good Witch is soft-spoken and gentle. She has a kind personality that makes her easy to listen to and trust.

Winifred Sanderson: Leader of the Witches

winifred sanderson costume

Winifred Sanderson is one of the main antagonists in the movie Hocus Pocus. Much like her other two sisters, Mary and Sarah, she is a witch. Winifred Sanderson and her sisters sold their souls for the ability to do magic with access to a powerful book of shadows. She serves as the leader of the other two as they go around attempting to steal the souls of children. They believe that this will help them achieve eternal youth and immortality.