Last-minute Gwen Costume Idea

Emma Stone Gwen Costume

About Gwen From The Amazing Spider-Man Gwen Stacy develops a romantic interest in Peter, who later becomes Spider-Man after getting bitten by a mutated spider. She then plays a crucial role in developing an antidote for the Lizard, helping him in his superhero endeavors. But her father is tragically killed by the Lizard, leading Peter … Read more

Last-Minute Peter B. Parker Costume Idea

Peter B. Parker costume

Fans of Into the Spider-Verse will delight in the Peter B. Parker costume. This is especially true of older fans of Spider-Man, who are fans of Peter B. Parker.

Peter B. Parker is the middle-aged version of Spider-Man from Into the Spider-Verse. He is voiced by Jake Johnson and is one of the stars.

In this movie, though he has saved the city many times, Peter B. Parker eventually falls into something of a downward spiral.

It takes the help and motivation of the other Spider-Men, including Miles Morales, to find encouragement to get back out and be a hero again.

Last-Minute Miles Morales Costume Idea

miles morales costume

Miles Morales is among the most famous Spider-Man characters that Marvel fans have seen, making the Miles Morales costume equally as popular. Miles made his silver screen debut in the film Into the Spider-Verse, released in 2018. Miles Morales is a teenage boy who lives with his parents in New York City. Though he is wildly smart and creative, he fears that he doesn’t quite measure up to the people around him and what they expect of him. This version of Spider-Man is still quite new to his newfound abilities and is learning how to navigate a new life with them.