Last-Minute Heathers Costume Idea

Heathers Outfits

About Heather Duke From Heathers “Heathers: The Musical” revolves around protagonist Veronica Sawyer, a high schooler navigating the brutal social hierarchy of Westerberg High. Initially drawn into the elite circle led by the Heathers, a trio of popular but toxic girls, her talent forgery and desire for acceptance propel her into their clique. However, her … Read more

Tadashi Hamada Costume

Tadashi Hamada Costume featured

Taken from the movie Big Hero 6, the Tadashi Hamada costume reflects the character Tadashi. Tadashi Hamada is the older brother of Hiro Hamada. He is a tech wizard who is bright and capable. Tadashi Hamada was actually responsible for creating Baymax. Baymax is a helpful robot that serves as a personal healthcare companion. Unfortunately, … Read more

Dougie Jones Costume

Dougie Jones Costume

The Dougie Jones costume is a good choice for fans of Twin Peaks. The character was played by Kyle MacLachlan. There is not much known about Dougie Jones except that he was a doppelganger made of Dale Cooper, an FBI Agent. Though he is fake, he looks very real. Dougie Jones was killed and came … Read more